
+86 21 63869001 [email protected]

zero waste

Anew properly predicted the national policies in zero waste management and established a zero-waste team in 2017. In the past several years, Anew has dedicated itself to the study and research of cutting-edge technologies and the outstanding certification standards of zero-waste-to-landfill. Anew has developed a mature training/coaching system to support the clients to implement the zero-waste program. So far, Anew has supported more than 100 facilities in Asia Pacific region implement their zero-waste programs and obtained the zero-waste-to-landfill certificates under UL 2799 standard. Moreover, Anew has conduct quite abundant feasibility studies of hazardous waste reduction projects for industrial clients to help them evaluate the technical and financial feasibility of different waste reduction process. Meanwhile, Anew has built good relationship with waste handlers and the environmental engineering companies and can provide the clients with various waste recycling solutions to fulfill the client’s sustainable development goals.